The main elevator is used to connect external spaces while the internal spaces are connected by small elevators. The main elevator moves from the starting point to the second level bridge at the cut beam. There are two pathway options, left one is owned by Slim and right one is owned by Zhang Yin.
Carlos Slim's Space
Slim space somehow acts as if it is inside a massive construction. His space is constructed inside a glass box where this box has incoherent concrete frames wrapping it. This is to show that how Slim have the strength of controlling. Also, His space takes more spaces compare to others related to the idea of dominating. When Slim enters his space, there will be a pathway that he has to follow. The pathway is an L shape and by then end, he will meet a small elevator. This elevator bridges the end of the pathway to the office space. This space will be used for his staffs and clients to work. Thus, at the other end, there will be a small elevator that will lead to the lower office space which is where Slim works. There will be an enormous space for him. There are stairs to divide the space. This space will lead to a pathway which exit at the first level bridge at the cut beam.
Zhang Yin
Zhang’s space shows the idea of progression. This is show by the placement of the cubes that are put on top of each other. The small elevators are going up connecting the internal space. This is to show that Zhang seems to have potential. Thus, she is also influential because she can bring things together as in the small elevators work together to move to the highest space. Zhang’s exterior space can be seen from every side that it shows how she is being respected. The exit part from Zhang is a slim and slender vertical beam going down.
The main elevator will pick Slim and Zhang and will lead them to the dining table. The dining table space has been intended to be in different shape and form from the office space. It uses the idea of hanging and most part of the space is covered by the massive triangulation structure. The main elevator will move here and will take Slim and Zhang to their position when eating at the dining table. Also, it will take Slim and Zhang back to their office spaces at the second level bridge at the cut beam.